More value by individual software development -but why?

The software adapts to you - not the other way around

Unlike off-the-shelf solutions, we develop your software product to fit your processes and requirements. This means customised user experiences and interfaces, no unnecessary features that do not add value to your business case, and maximum flexibility.

Competitive advantages through uniqueness

Unique features and designs are the only way to stand out from the crowd. No off-the-shelf solution - not even an overpriced customisation - can do that. Plus, we design your product not for everyone, but for your target audience. Whether they are your customers or your employees.

Independence and lower operating costs

You are not just a number, you are a customer. You decide what functionality is developed and when it is implemented. You also save on expensive user licences and maintenance costs. And you don't have to worry about an unpredictable end-of-life.

Examples of individual software development

Lewa GmbH

IoT platform for industrial pumps with smart monitoring and customer portal

Mechanical and plant engineering

Schoeck Bauteile GmbH

Cloud-based planning and design software for components

Construction supplier

best wood SCHNEIDER® GmbH

Modernization of structural analysis software as a web application

construction sector

J. Wagner GmbH

Smartphone app for mobile coating systems with intelligent material recognition

Mechanical and plant engineering

Step 1

Define a project now: What can we do for you?

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Step 2

Which industry does your company operate in?

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Step 3

What specifically is it about?

I need support in the following disciplines:

(multiple answers possible)
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Step 4

What are you up to?

Please describe your project to us:

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Step 5

How far are you with the project?

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Step 6

Do you already have an idea of how to implement it?

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Step Final

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Your benefits

Full ownership of the source code

Once approved, you will receive the source code for your customised software and can continue to develop it independently.

Protect your investment with software that can evolve over time

Our software solutions can be flexibly developed and adapted over a very long period of time. This saves you from skyrocketing follow-up costs and protects you from possible end-of-life.

Software development and UX design under one roof

Our software developers work side by side with our UX designers. This means that the usability of your individual software solution is always áte the forefront.

High-quality source code through clean code development

We consistently follow clean code development principles to produce semantically understandable source code with a very high level of test coverage.

Holistic Software Development

Thanks to our holistic approach, we are able to develop not only a software product that can be used at an early stage, but also exactly the right product for your business.

Wide range of industry and domain expertise

Whether you're in the engineering, manufacturing or construction industry, we know your business and can add value to your software product.

Agile Software Development

Agile collaboration enables early, consistent and high-quality feedback from customers and users. This significantly improves the quality of requirements.

More than 25 years of experience in Individual Software Development

We know what works — and what doesn't. Rely on our expertise and avoid costly mistakes.

Protect your investment in custom software with clean code development

Individual Software Development at

Holistic, user-centered, sustainable


With design thinking to the right product idea for your business case



The perfect plan with requirements engineering, user research and user interaction design



With agile software development based on clean code development, we develop a long-lasting product



With DevOps, support and development, we keep your product up to date

Our approach in detail


Initial Consultation

During our initial consultation, we would of course like to know where the “digital shoe hurts” you and what you are up to. We will also show you how we approach the topic of individual software development and how we can support you in detail.


Project Scoping

Project scoping is about outlining and defining the project and the challenges. Depending on the task, scoping consists of one or more joint workshops. The result is a concrete plan of the next project phases in terms of project management, system concept, user journey and sizing.


Initial Discovery Phase

The aim of the initial discovery phase is to develop a blueprint for your individual software. In an interdisciplinary team, we jointly design a validated solution concept with regard to UX design, requirement definition and system architecture. The concrete results of this phase: a developed interaction concept, a backlog for the MVP, a project roadmap and a reliable dimensioning of expenses.


Development phase

In the development phase, the developed concept is finally implemented. We work according to the MVP approach and develop a first version of your software product with the elementary features. Development is carried out iteratively in dual track: Our developers implement a task from the backlog, we test it together with the users and check whether adjustments or further requirements are necessary.


Testing & MVP Release

Once the entire backlog has been completed, the MVP is extensively tested. If your custom development works as required, it is implemented and released into your system landscape. In the sense of a beta test, this can initially only be done for a specific target group or under real conditions. After release, you will receive the source code for your individual software development.


IT operations & development

Optionally, after release, we also take care of the operation of your software product in terms of network administration, device management, support, etc. And the implementation of further features is also no problem thanks to the code quality guaranteed by Clean Code Development and our DevOps approach.

Moritz Pastow

Since everyone is interconnected and everyone has the same project know-how, it simply works. And I save time and money spent on explanations, knowledge transfer, management or coordination.
Alexander Strobl
The topics were completely new territory and it was impossible for me to answer all questions in advance. At the beginning, there was a lot of mocking and prototyping. First, you have to find a service provider who goes along with it. simply has the right mindset for such challenges — the perfect hands-on mentality.
Nora Legittimo
I find a beta phase in which there are no bugs or other abnormalities in the software really unusual. But especially in view of our industry, which is extremely safety-focused, this is of course a great thing.
Manuel Stuhlinger

For me as a customer, Clean Code simply gives me the security of being independent. I don't want to be left with a piece of code in 10 years that no one understands anymore and has to start all over again.

Are we your software development partner?

Arrange an initial consultation now! We are looking forward to getting to know you.

If you would like to know which data we process and how long we store it, you can find further information in our Privacy statement.
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The most common questions regarding individual software development

What are the benefits of individual software development?

  • No operational process adjustments necessary, as the software adapts to your company and not vice versa
  • High usability, as the software is specifically tailored to your users
  • No license costs and low operating costs
  • Fewer or no dependencies on the manufacturer
  • The client plans updates and releases
  • Quick adjustments and changes possible
  • Individual development can become a supporting corporate value
  • The property rights lie with the client

What is the difference between individual software and standard software?

Standard software is software solutions that cover the requirements and needs of a wide range of people.

This doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing, because, depending on the application, standard solutions represent the more economically viable alternative. However, a) attention must be paid to the level of specialization and customizing, b) the license cost model must be considered over the long term and c) the competitive environment must be controlled. Because the more deeply the software solution is involved in the company's own business processes or the sooner it supports competitive advantages, the less standard solutions are recommended.

A detailed comparison can be found here: Individual software vs. standard software

Is custom software always more expensive than standard software?

The fact that custom software per se is more expensive than standard software is a widespread prejudice. Of course, there is something to it — after all, individual software must first be developed, while standard software is usually immediately ready for use.

However, the calculation must also take into account the operating time and the number of users. The longer standard solutions are in use and the more users use them, the higher the license costs. At some point, these exceed the initial development costs of the individual software — the total cost of the standard product is therefore higher.

Chart: Total costs in relation to number of users and duration of use. The longer software is in use and the more users use it, the higher the total costs, while individual software remains at a cost level after development

What costs should I expect for individual software development?

Since custom software is always “unique”, we cannot give a general answer to this question. Depending on requirements and intended use, costs vary enormously.

Our project scoping offer can help you with cost estimation and planning. The scoping consists of one or more compact workshops and helps you define your solution by determining the most important requirements and the primary target groups. The result is an initial product vision and a rough dimensioning of your overall project with regard to the next phases.

What preparatory work do I have to do with regard to requirements, planning, design, etc.?

More than 20 years of experience in individual software development have shown us that working according to predefined specifications is much more inefficient than an agile approach. In addition, many requirements can only be defined and specialized during development.

Nevertheless, with the initial discovery phase, we carry out the first and most important conceptual work regarding UX design, backlog creation and system architecture. This work can of course be shortened and enriched the better prepared you and your team are. It is important to have a common understanding and a clear vision of the solution, which all team members stand behind.

How long does individual software development take at

Since these are individual requirements, we cannot give a general answer to this question. Our project scoping offer can help you with time estimation and project planning. The scoping consists of one or more compact workshops and helps you to size your project. The result is a schedule with the most important milestones and an individually coordinated project controlling concept.

What is the significance of clean code in connection with individual software development?

High-quality source code is referred to as clean code. Quality features include syntactic readability, semantic traceability, high test coverage, reusability and evolvability. The aim is to write source code in such a way that the software product can be flexibly adapted and further developed in the long term. As a result, further development costs can be minimized and an end-of-life counteracted.

What is clean code development anyway?

Clean Code Development is a standard-setting value system for our software developers. Through values and virtues, it conveys a work philosophy that is perfectly designed for modern software development. Through principles and practices, the system also provides practical recommendations for action and tools that help to optimize individual software development and make it more sustainable.

Is clean code development more expensive than traditional software development?

Yes and no Initially, more effort must be put into the source code to ensure sustainable clean code. An investment that pays off, especially for complex software products and a longer product lifetime.

Chart: Development costs in relation to the number of features developed. The more features are needed, the more worthwhile it is to develop according to Clean Code Development

“Schedule a free consultation with me and my team.”

CTO Sebastian Betzin