With every change to the source code, the logic behind it becomes more complex. As a result, the costs for adjustments and new features also grow over time. If the source code is not designed for changes from the outset, technical debts may arise. As a result, development costs are growing exponentially.
This rapid increase in costs is being counteracted by clean code development. Since the code from line 1 is designed for changeability, the initial costs are somewhat higher, but do not increase exponentially but linearly. And thus remain predictable and controllable.
A software developer needs around 90% of their time to understand source code and only 10% to write. The more clear code is structured from the start, the faster it can be interpreted, understood and finally adapted or extended. Source code that has been developed according to Clean Code Development is extremely clear and therefore easy to understand.
Source code developed after Clean Code Development must be testable in terms of both efficiency and functionality - and that via fully automated tests. Such a procedure requires a high level of internal logic in the source code, which in turn must be testable. Only if it is ensured that both the logic of the code and the code itself can be tested can the code be scaled and regression security guaranteed.
Evolving comes from evolutionary biology and describes the ability of a living organism to adapt flexibly to environmental changes. Source code developed according to Clean Code Development is modular from the outset and follows a logic based on change.
Clean Code Development ist ein normgebendes Wertesystem für Softwareentwickler. Es basiert auf dem Buch Clean Code von Robert C. Martin. Prämisse des Buchs ist, Quellcode als strukturierten Ausdruck von Funktionalität zu begreifen. Darauf aufbauend haben die Entwickler Stefan Lieser und Ralf Westphal 2009 eine Sammlung von Prinzipien und Praktiken zusammengeführt und spezifische Lernmodule definiert, die sie in verschiedene Grade unterteilt haben.
Since 2010, we have not only been working according to the principles and practices of Clean Code Development, we have also firmly anchored the value system in our corporate principles. To this end, we train all software developers who start with us to become Clean Code Developers. True to Clean Code Development, we also attach great importance to further training measures, which is why we set up the generic Academy. Every employee has access to an annual budget that is reserved for professional and personal continuing education.